Monday, October 26, 2009


Whatsuuuuup Peeps!

Aight aight, so I know I havent' posted in a while..but hey, here I am, posting now and as a added bonus, WITH Videos!

Aight so what happened last long weekend was that I was supposed to DJ an event called Thin Ice with my bud Sukh(DJ Monsta) and Twin Disaster ( DJ's Frostbite and Hope) and before we show you what it was like ( well whatever i managed to get on tape..cuz i was a little...distracted) heres what the place looked like when we got there , before everything was setup.Notice Frostbite totally freakin out about time restraints and Monsta getting pissed off at a table leg...*sigh* ahh Organized Chaos indeed =)

Kay short vid I know..but hey, I tried right?

Next we got a vid of what was poppin DURING the event.and before I show that to you, I gotta tell you man..the sound we were packin' DAYUM ( over 1300watts worth of). Frostbite had brought in his FULLL Speaker set-up which means.his Peavey Passports (which are fuckin siiiiick btw) and his 2 Roland Amps / bass. God DAMN it was loud in there man! like hooooly shiit. it was too loud even for ME.I looked like a koala bear sheltering my ears with my headphones =/
But heres the vid of during event;

Im not gonna lie though..the event was good..although it was really crappy by the amount of turnout =( man we had the SIIIIICKEST sets lined up..but hey, what can y'do right?
Welllllll thats bout it for me
OOOH wait, i gotta post what happened toooday
Not much, but we were makin salt in our chem lab today.heresa vid :D ( omg im just a little hollywood director arent i?)

Thats it for me :) PEACE!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Yo whatuuuup peeps!

Yeah so I didn't realy post in the last two days because..well..stuff bes goin down (a.k.a having way too much fun to blog)

SOSOSO: yesterday, since as you all know, my friend sukh (a.k.a DJ Monsta) is back, he came over yesterdayy to do some regular dj training...*cough*
(regular dj training = playing video games + screwin around on the decks :P)

So as a bes this weekends set , listen and ennjoi

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Whatsuuup Blogg!

Yeah..nothing much really happened today..well cept for 2 MAJOR things (wait.double negative?

1) Parent teacher conferences! :O!
went ...allright for the most part, my parents arent in a dissapointment filled silence around me, so that MUST be a good thing right ;D?


OMG OMG OMG, Im SOOOOO happy..I havent had a nice phone since...well..Ive NEVER had a nice phone..cept till now =D (yes..I do realize.I sound a little snobby there.but come on, 3 years watching everyone else have naice shiny phones while i had a piece of crap nokia / moto razr..yeah that sucked)

But yeahh, I gots myself a Sony Ericsson C510 :D (as seen in this sexay photo)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

*sigh* =(

Yeah as you call tell by the title..not the greatest day so far (eventhough a REALLY awesome thing happened today)

Ill start off with the good news I guess:
My best frand is back from India (which he went for 4 weeks) ,which is pretty ballin , considering it was pretty lame when he wasnt here

Bad news:
1) English class, apparently there was some hwk that I didnt even write down ( or 3/4ths of the class for that matter) , but i have a feeling I havent handed in other stuff too which affects:

2) Parent teacher conferences tommorow, thats not the bad thing..that bad thing was today I was in the car with my mom, and I was like telling her all the stuff I need to do on Saturday, and she's like
"Do you think you'll be able to finish your homework with all that stuff happening?"
like OH MY F"ING GOD!..that pissed me off soooo much , to the point where i started spazzing at her ( which i feel like shit for now btw), its just that..she said that because I TOLD her in the afternoon that I forgot to hand in a few assignments..and its like if I tell her anything she'll use it against me?
k w/e fck that...

Thats about it phor me.

But expect some new posts and OOH this weekend I'm gonna be djing "Thin Ice Halloween 2009" at the Ice Rink, expect pictures up :D

and some new mixes cuz yknow..Sukh's back =D

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bluish Grey Shkies!

Suuuuuup blogger

yeah today's a pretty chill day..nothin really interesting happened,cept for the fact that I barely slept last night and yet I felt TOTALLY energized seriously, I felt so energized that I was dancing to my muzac in my seat to the point where I was almost punched in the nuts..oh wait a second..I WAS punched in the nuts.......but for a different reason~..

OOOOH! wait! I just remembered, something interesting DID happen today. I got asked to, and got the green-light to go ahead and make a/the website for my school newspaper today, which is gonna be kick ashhh!

anndd GREATEST NEWS OF AWLLL TIIIME! , My best friend who went to India for 3 weeks ( but ended up extending it to 4) is COMING BACK TOMMOROES! Caynt wait! Now I can talk about tech and music in detail and not get the "Uh TOTALLY BSing on the fact that I understand you (but i really dont) act" =)

Buttt yeah, thats bout ittt! Post later, hopefully a mix , IF i have time =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Walluuuuup Blogger!

*NOTE* Not my best mix so far =( Stupid Lady gaga!

Yo yo yo,

whats happening blogstaa (s)
Anywaysss, so , yikes its been a while since I last posted..guessing I forgot about it ..(again)

but NEWAYS, ( I purposefully spelt that wrong btw)

Some very important things have happened since last post..

1) I GOT MY TURNTABLES AND DJ SETUP BOTCHES! (I got my dj setup :) )

2) I turned 15, w00000t....yeah...not interesting at all
but yeah, one year closer to me driving

so anyways, while I go around pimping out the blog, heres my latest mix, for your listening and viewing pleasure