Aniiwais, now that that random moment is over, lemme post, on mah blog,which i havent done in...a while...
SO! what's happened since you might be pondering perculately?
WELL, school finally went into winterbreak (WIN!) and to celebrayte, we had a small xmas/halo3 partay on friday at Paulo's house which was pretty ballin' (PIX UP LAYTER!)
and THENNN, on saturday, i had my air cadet xmas party which I DJ'ed!...well sorta.UGH well
[VENT] the whole reason I went was to DJ the dance..and well..there WAS no dance :( so that was kinda lame..but im not upset about that, I'm upset that I didn't get to chill with mah frands =( , but W/e [/VENT]
but whatever, its all guud now, 2 weeks of RELAXING, YES!
Expect stupid pics and videos up SOON
Monday, December 21, 2009
well HARROW!
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
Dontcha just looooooove Pro-D-Days?
Their like easter eggs that the mayans put into the calendar :)
So if you haven't heard already!, ITS GOING TO SNOOOW SOOOOON! :) with a 60% chance of snowing i believe for today? I caaaan't wait.
*Winter wonderland starts playing in the background*
but Hmm , since its a pro-d-day, ive probably done a lot today that i wouldnt have been able to do usually since its a school day right :D?......NO! Matter of fact, I've kinda done the opposite..all I've done today is pretty much wake up...eat, sleep, talk to mah frands on msn, and now im watching "City Line" on City TV..(Wait.wtf.why am i watching city line?)
So as it is too cold to go outside...and since there's absolutely NOTHING to do at my house today, I am blogging as a last resort.
And well I only has one thing to blog about: "THIN ICE 2009-Winter Wonderland"
THIN ICE is pretty much just like a skate that happens 3 times a year, and this time its a winter wonderland them and its happening TO.MOLLO (Saturday)!
So COME out! for a skate..and much more :) *cough * theres gonna be a "santa" and ima be the "santas Helper"
well ima end my post with a CUUUUUTE Video :)
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Yo whatuuuup peeps!
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
*sigh* =(
Yeah as you call tell by the title..not the greatest day so far (eventhough a REALLY awesome thing happened today)
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Bluish Grey Shkies!
Suuuuuup blogger
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dancing, Making a website for, School
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Walluuuuup Blogger!
*NOTE* Not my best mix so far =( Stupid Lady gaga!
Yo yo yo,
whats happening blogstaa (s)
Anywaysss, so , yikes its been a while since I last posted..guessing I forgot about it ..(again)
but NEWAYS, ( I purposefully spelt that wrong btw)
Some very important things have happened since last post..
1) I GOT MY TURNTABLES AND DJ SETUP BOTCHES! (I got my dj setup :) )
2) I turned 15, w00000t....yeah...not really..no.not interesting at all
but yeah, one year closer to me driving
so anyways, while I go around pimping out the blog, heres my latest mix, for your listening and viewing pleasure
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
During I.T :)
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My First Blog post? Coolioness
First blog spot..hmm...Interesting..feels very..roomy in here...not to mention *ugh* so default , whatever, I'll fix it up soon :) anyways, so, since this IS a blog, I suppose I SHOULD talk to mysel-ABOUT myself, my bad, so lesee...what's up with me..
Well, Kinda depressed right now, no its not about a heartbreak, girls, or someone passing away, nothing tragic like that..well maybe about girls..well jk, anyways, I still dont have my own setup! GRR..not cool yo, and to get one, i'm gonna need alteast 1 grand (or close too it) :S?!
Well whatever...I'll figure something out..I mean well , my parents are trying their best, thats good, I'm really thankful for them, but still, I'm gonna need wayy more..
OH WAIT!, I can use my summer camp moneys..but wait..that'll still have me short..oh...$700 bucks..
Solution #2..Get a job
Problem with Solution #2: NO FRIGGIN TIME...like fer srs! Groanage!
Solution #3/Final Solution..Hit the lotterry!
Well my dad bought a lottery ticked today....wonder if that'll work, if that does HOLY SNAP, I'll be SOO friggin happy :)! oh em gee, alright well thats my rant..and whining for now, but yo, I'll be posting laterz..gotta go finish a damn english project..well not really a DAMN english project, I'm almost done but, *sigh* hwk awaits
Awesomly posted by: Tee ||DJ TBLAZE at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: depressed, Djing, girls, NEED MONEY, Sad, Whining, yay